A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the IQ 155

Learn what the typical signs of an IQ of 155 are, how good this intelligence level is, and which celebrities likely have this score.

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the IQ 155 main image

An IQ of 155 is one of the highest possible scores achievable on a standardized IQ test, and as such, it is an indicator of highly developed cognition and enormous potential that could be harnessed to achieve success in any field or even change the world.

However, rare IQs like this one are often shrouded in myth and mystery since people with this intelligence level can’t be frequently encountered.

To shed some light on this score, we’ve consulted our experts and found out who has an IQ of 155, what this result means, as well as how it manifests itself.

In this article, we will share our findings with you.

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Key takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • An IQ of 155 places you in the genius category, indicating that your cognitive abilities are far above average.
  • People with an IQ of 155 are creative, intuitive, self-aware, and, occasionally, overthinkers.
  • An IQ of 155 allows you to quickly recognize patterns, synthesize information, draw connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, and predict the outcome of a situation even when no one else can.
  • Celebrities with an IQ of 155 are Elon Musk, Richard Milhous Nixon, and Julie Peterson.

What Is Considered a Normal IQ?

Normal IQ is considered to be any score between 85 and 115, as people in this range have adequately developed cognitive skills, including memory, concentration, deductive reasoning, pattern recognition, and critical and abstract thinking.

Scores above 115 are high and may indicate giftedness, while scores below 85 are low, suggesting a possible learning or cognitive disability.

Aside from these three broad categories, most IQ tests recognize subcategories that are more specific and descriptive. A prevalent classification can be found in the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, the oldest IQ test still in use.

Although these categories and labels differ from test to test, the methodology used to calculate the score doesn’t. In fact, all IQ tests arrive at your score by comparing your performance to that of your peers, expressing that as a percentage, and converting it to a score.

In other words, if you perform better than 63% of your peers, you’ll belong to the 63rd percentile, which corresponds to an IQ of 105. Using this same method, psychometricians can calculate any score within the 40–160 range.

Test Your IQ: Is It Higher Than Normal?

If you want to find out which IQ category you belong to, take our professionally designed IQtest.net, a free IQ test that uses the most advanced psychometric methods to accurately determine your score and give you a deeper insight into your cognition.

Moreover, you can use IQtest.net to track your progress while improving your cognition. Make sure to retake the test frequently for additional mental exercise and motivation.

All You Need to Know About the IQ 155

All You Need to Know About the IQ 155

All You Need to Know About the IQ 155

An IQ of 155 means that your cognition is highly developed, allowing you to easily handle complex and abstract concepts, as well as develop new and original ideas.

In addition, you excel at synthesizing information, recognizing patterns, drawing parallels between seemingly unrelated concepts, and predicting outcomes.

In other words, you have enormous cognitive potential, which, if used correctly, has the ability to change the world.

There’s no doubt that an IQ of 155 is a genius level of intelligence—it’s well above the official genius cutoff (an IQ of 145) and only five points away from the highest achievable score on most standardized IQ tests.

Furthermore, this score is close to Einstein’s IQ, who, as you surely know, is often considered the smartest man to have ever lived.

Taking all that into account, it’s hardly surprising that an IQ of 155 is fairly rare. In fact, approximately one in 8,137 people can boast this level of intelligence, having performed better than 99.98% of their peers on an IQ test.

However impressive this score may be, it comes with a minor drawback—a possible sense of alienation. Since most people don’t have such a high level of cognition, you may experience difficulty relating to others.

Key Traits of People With an IQ of 155

People with an IQ of 155 are often characterized by uniqueness and originality of thought, self-awareness, excellent intuition, and a propensity for overthinking. As a result, they can be fascinating individuals and great conversation partners with vast knowledge on many topics.

However, it’s important to remember that those who share an IQ score don’t necessarily share personality traits. Therefore, you may come across people who have none of these traits.

That being said, here are some characteristics often encountered in people with an IQ of 155:

  • Creativity. An IQ of 155 is characterized by out-of-the-box thinking and an affinity for originality and creativity. In other words, people with this score can quickly generate unique ideas and use their highly developed minds to effectively solve most problems.
  • Developed intuition. Although intuition may seem like a superpower, there’s nothing supernatural about it. Intuitive people are simply better at picking up clues, processing information, and drawing connections between seemingly unrelated events. As a result, they often see what others don’t and have answers when no one else does.
  • Self-awareness. Highly intelligent people spend a lot of time reflecting on their own thoughts, behaviors, and actions in an effort to better understand themselves. Consequently, they can either be very confident and independent or frequently question their reasoning and doubt themselves.
  • Overthinking. Unfortunately, highly developed cognition can also lead to overthinking, which, in turn, fosters inaction and passivity. People with an IQ of 155 may spend too much time pondering and wondering instead of taking action to resolve the problem at hand.

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Celebrities With an IQ of 155

Since most celebrities don’t openly speak about their IQ or whether they’ve done the test, it can be difficult to determine their scores accurately. However, by examining their accomplishments, experts can make an educated guess about their intelligence.

Taking that into consideration, the following three celebrities likely have an IQ of 155:

#1. Elon Musk

Elon Musk as a person with an IQ of 155

Elon Musk as a person with an IQ of 155

One of the most well-known entrepreneurs in the world, Elon Musk, showed signs of his impressively high IQ as early as the age of ten. At the time, he took an interest in programming and developed a video game, which he sold for approximately $500.

Later, he completed his bachelor’s studies at the University of Pennsylvania, obtaining two degrees—one for physics and the other for economics. Due to his immense talents, he was accepted into a Ph.D. program at Stanford, but quickly thereafter decided to focus on business instead.

Considering his success, that was clearly the right move. Over the years, he’s been involved with numerous companies—PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink, and most recently, X (previously known as Twitter). And since he’s currently one of the wealthiest people in the world, he’s clearly had success with most of his endeavors.

#2. Richard Milhous Nixon

Richard Milhous Nixon, the 37th President of the US, served in office from 1969 to 1974. During that time, he reduced American involvement in the Vietnam War, made progress in relations between the US and the Soviet Union, and passed legislation to protect the environment.

He showed that he was a prodigy while still in high school, consistently outperforming his peers academically despite his poverty and family troubles.

Although he had the opportunity to attend Harvard, he stayed close to home and graduated from Whittier College with a history degree. Then, he went to Duke University Law School, where he graduated as one of the best students.

His eventual presidency may have been polarizing and ended in the infamous Watergate scandal, but there can be no doubt that Nixon was a highly intelligent man whose efforts set the US on course toward becoming what it is today.

#3. Julie Peterson

Former American model Julie Peterson may not fit the usual stereotype of a genius, but she is actually the only one on this list with a Mensa certificate to prove it. She also graduated from Life University and obtained a Doctor of Chiropractic degree.

However, what’s particularly interesting about her career is that she used to model for Playboy and was even featured as the Playmate of the Month in the February edition of the magazine in 1987. After that, she appeared in some of Playboy’s videos and posed for several newsstand special editions.

Nowadays, Julie no longer models; instead, she officially works as a chiropractor. Though her achievements may not be as impressive as Elon Musk’s and Nixon’s, she’s living proof that genius can come in many forms.

Final Thoughts

With an IQ as high as 155, the world is your oyster. There’s almost no knowledge or skill out of your reach, and there’s no career path you can’t take. In fact, your intelligence gives you a considerable advantage in all fields, be they personal or professional.

However, that doesn’t mean success will come without any effort on your part. While you might not have to work as hard as people with lower IQs, you can’t sit back and wait for success to come your way. Use your intelligence wisely, and don’t let it go to your head.

Explore more about different IQ levels and what they signify:

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